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As I am sure you all know, this project, web site, test hardware & bench tools needed to do this is all self funded.

To date, I have invested over $5,400 on the Android on Passport hardware/software project alone.


Being that it is on hold while I wait for a new memory chip reader/burner to arrive from China, I thought I would explore a simpler, possibly more achievable project, that being updating the Android OS version on phones that had shipped with Android on them originally. 


After taking a poll, it seemed that most of you would like to see the Priv updated. Problem is that there are few if any phones out there that have received an Android OS update higher that the Priv's 8.1


In second place, is the Key2. This phone is still capable of running newer versions of the Android OS, supposedly up to Android 11 based on my research.


So here I am today, asking for your help and financial support.


You can choose from helping me offset my current investments in the original Android on Passport project or...

Help me come up with the +/- $900 in base funds to start up a new project, bringing Android 10/11 to the Key2


I will gladly credit back your donation when it comes time for me to launch & ship the actual working products.


Thanks for your support!

Android on Passport

Contribution to offset my initial investment on ongoing development of bringing Android 9 OS to BB Passport Models



Android on Passport

$5,482.02 (YTD)


Your name can go here!

New startup funds for exploring the possibilities of upgrading the Key2 8.1 OS to Android 10/11



Jörg F

$20 - Danke schön


Your name can go here!

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