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Old Phone, New Internals

New Poll Results

Well, I guess I was right!


So the poll results are in after a one month run.

Thank you to all 220+ respondents.


I have taken the liberty of editing down the results to 190 entries for the purpose of making the pie charts more legible. This meant removing 30 something responses that either had "other" phone as an option or incomplete entries (responded to less than all three questions). I do have all the details downloaded on a spreadsheet.


The overwhelming answer was a Blackberry Passport.

As with most things, the last revision is/was always the best revision.

I have always felt that the Silver Edition was the best PKB phone ever made.


As far as the poll results, here are the breakdowns:







1) Which phone do you own, our would choose to be updated?


A little over 50% responded with a BB Passport.

Classic came in second with Key2 and Priv close behind 


2) How much would you pay to have the phone of your choice above upgraded with new internals?


So this one was really important to me.


A third would pay up to $300

Followed by those would would pay around $500.

And close behind, those who would spend between $400-$500


So the average that the pollsters would invest is approximately $391 


3) If you currently don't have a BB phone, which "used" phone would you purchase if it was upgraded?


Again, almost 50% responded with a BB Passport.

Key2 came in second with Classic and Priv close behind 

Thanks for your feedback!

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